Development of European projects for municipalities, SE(C)AP expert
I graduated in European Union Policies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in the University of Padua, with an experimental thesis on EU energy policies. I was a consultant at Confindustria Veneto and a member of the technical committee for the preparation of the Energy Plan for Veneto Region.
I have been working for SOGESCA since 2012.
I have developed and implemented 8 European projects funded by Intelligent Energy Europe, Horizon 2020 and LIFE programs, supporting more than 90 Municipalities in the implementation of SEAPs and SECAPs. I supported 10 Italian Municipalities in the ISO 50001 certification.
I am an expert in Energy Management Systems, trained by the British Standard Institution, and I am among the judges of the Energy Management Leadership Awards, an initiative promoted by the US Ministry of Energy. Since 2016 I have been a professor of community planning and policies.
Since 1986, SOGESCA supports businesses and public institutions to develop management systems, solutions to environmental issues, energy efficiency, health and safety on the workplace and to promote development and research.
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